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The purpose of this site is to provide an in-depth guide about trading binary options and what is involved. We occasionally provide un-biased detailed reviews about certain services and products around the site so that you can know all you need to before potentially purchasing any. As part of these reviews we provide links to the services and products mentioned, we are often affiliated with these programs and so make a commission on any purchases you may make.
This commission is free to you and you do not pay extra just for clicking on our links. We have not been given any free services, products or anything by these companies and we maintain that we only promote services that we feel can provide high value to you. Some aforementioned programs include 24Option, AnyOption,OptionFair and TradeRush.
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As a guide to trading binary options online we aim to provide you information that is as accurate as we can to the best of our knowledge. We provide this information as a guide only and make no warranty as to the accuracy of the information.
Binary options can only be traded by those that are legally allowed to do so. You must be an adult over the age of 18 and check your countries specific legislation on the trading age, terms and limitations before you start.
This disclaimer shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and you hereby submit exclusive jurisdiction to the English and Welsh courts.