Please be aware that the information and reviews on this site are for reference only and should be used as such as the info might not be up to date or currently applicable.


What are they, how do they work and why we use them

Cookies explained

Cookies in the technical world refer to small text files usually containing a string of characters that are stored on your computer when you visit web pages as you browse the internet.

Cookies are generally used to add additional functioning to a website. They can store information to know if you are or are not logged in to a website or to save the state of the site enabling you to start from where you left the off. They  provide some benefits to end users and web masters alike. As cookies are just small text files they can be used to hold encrypted strings, random characters that programmers can understand, or in some cases personal information depending on the website. Here at we do not use them to store any personal information.

So what do we use them for?

On we use some cookies to try and make your experience better. We help you share your favourite resources and faqs as well as make your browsing experience faster. Through the use cookie we can use analytics which store anonymous information about your visit we can see what you liked the best and add more of it in the future. All the information stored is anonymous and can’t be linked to you unless you have explicitly chosen it to, for exampe by signing into Facebook or Twitter to share the content.

More information

If you are still unsure of what cookies are or would like to find out more information about them then feel free to take a look at, they have concise up to date information about them. If you would like to stop using cookies altogether or find out what information they store then you can  check out your browser settings which will allow you to disable them and display what cookies are being used.

How to change your browsers cookie settings

Depending on what operating system you are using and which browser you are using you may find a variety of different ways to change the cookies settings in your browser. We have outlined a few of the more common browsers to help you on your way but we recommend looking in the help/settings section of the browser you are currently using to find more specific information. We do not guarantee the following will work for everyone.

Microsoft Internet Explorer
Support Page: Read More

  • Click on ‘Tools’ at the top of your browser window and select ‘Internet Options’.
  • In the options window select the ‘Privacy’ tab from the options.
  • To enable cookies set the slider on the left hand side to ‘Medium’ or below.
  • To disable cookies move the slider on the left hand side all the way to the top to block all cookies.

Google Chrome
Support Page: Read More

  • Click on the spanner at the top right hand side of the browser next to the address bar.
  • Select Settings from the list of options.
  • At the bottom of the page click on ‘Show advanced settings…’.
  • In the “Privacy” section, click the ‘Content settings’ button and a pop up of options should be displayed.
  • To enable cookies in the “Cookies” section, select ‘Allow local data to be set(recommended)’.
  • To disable cookies, in the “Cookies” section, pick ‘Block sites from setting any data’.

Mozilla Firefox
Support Page: Read More

  • Click on ‘Tools’ at the browser menu and select ‘Options’
  • Select the Privacy panel
  • To enable cookies check ‘Accept cookies for sites’
  • To disable cookies uncheck at ‘Accept cookies for sites’

Support Page: Read More

  • Click on ‘Safari’  at the menu bar and select the ‘Preferences’ option
  • Click on ‘Security’
  • To enable cookies from the ‘Accept cookies’ section select ‘Only from site you navigate to’
  • To disable cookies from the ‘Accept cookies’ section select ‘Never’

If we have missed a browser from our list above then try looking in the help section of the browser you are using from there you should be able to find a multitude of information about how to not only change your cookie settings but other ways to customise your browsing experience.